The safety of children and faculty has always been a prevalent issue. The concern has grown exponentially over the last several years as incidents of bullying and violence across the country have greatly increased. If you are a student or parent/legal guardian with a safety concern, report it to the school principal as soon as possible. Emergency matters should always be directed to 911.
Doors and Entryways School entrances remain locked at all times and have secured access entry via keycard. Security Cameras School security cameras allow for the monitoring of parking lots, entrances, exits and common areas. Check-In/Out Procedures All visitors are required to check-in/out at the front office and pass an identification verification. Level 1 UL Rated Glass It is important to note there is no such thing as glass that is truly bulletproof, but there are bullet resistant materials that are used to fortify windows against ballistic attacks. Eight different levels of ballistics resistant glass have been established by the UL. Level 3 bullet resistant glass is routinely used by police stations and government facilities. Level 1 ballistic resistant glass is used in some St. Michael facility applications and is suited for small businesses as a crime deterrent.
School Resource Officer Partnered with Sharonville Police Department, Officer Aaron Hayes is assigned to St. Michael School and is an integral park of our school's safety plan. Crisis Staff In addition to the School Resource Officer, all staff members are trained in ALICE and select personnel are responsible for various interventions in Crisis prevention and management.
Our school has a current safe school plan and procedures in place, fully consistent with federal law. These comprehensive plans contain information drills, rules, and first responder agencies. Building Drills St. Michael School conducts routine safety drills. Drills practice tree basic functional threat responses:
Shelter-in-Place To Limit the exposure of students and staff to hazardous materials released into the environment by isolating the inside environment from the outside
Lockdown To isolate students and staff from threats of violence, such as suspicious trespassers or armed intruders, that may occur in a school or in the vicinity of a school.
Evacuation-To move students and staff away from threats, such as fires, oil train spills, or tornados.
Required Staff Training All staff members take required training courses in areas of school safety each year. Trainings include safety topics such as active aggressors, bullying recognition and response, child abuse and neglect, discrimination and harassment, staff responsibility and conduct, health emergencies, sexual harassment, and more.
Substance Abuse Awareness, Prevention & Intervention D.A.R.E. is a comprehensive prevention education program taught by highly-trained Sharonville Police officers. D.A.R.E. Education Programs deliver science/evidence-based curricula that teach students good decision-making skills that will help them lead safe and healthy lives and cope with high risk circumstances including drugs, alcohol, violence, bullying, and internet safety. Comprehensive Healthcare St. Michael School has an on-site staff psychologist to provide mental health support for students.
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati SafeParish™ is a training and education resource created for the Catholic faithful that helps safeguard children and promotes a positive environment. Every person over the age of 18 in a position that requires contact or interaction with youth or vulnerable adults must complete the SafeParish™ edition of Protecting Children from Sexual Abuse training session before they are permitted to work or volunteer within any of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati parishes, schools, or institutions. Learn more