For those families who are active, registered and participating members of the Tri-County Catholics Family of Parishes, Saint Michael Parish School offers a tuition grant. This tuition grant will become effective when the Active Parishioner Agreement form below is completed and approved by the pastor or his authorized representative. Criteria used in determining “active, registered and participating” membership would include:
At least one parent/guardian must be Catholic and registered as parishioner(s) in the parish records.
If recently registered at a Tri-County Catholics Parish (within past six months), a statement from former parish of "active, registered and participating” status at that parish will be accepted to qualify until regular parishioner rapport can be established at a Tri-County Catholics Parish.
Registration requirement applies to the custodial parent/guardian of child.
Regular Attendance
Catholics are obliged to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. This standard is an ancient one in our tradition, provided to help the Catholic maintain regular contact with the Word of God, the Eucharist and one’s faith community. Parents of Catholic students should be particularly aware of this teaching of the Church.
Evidence of attendance at parish Masses is largely subjective (e.g. being known to one of the priests and seen regularly at Mass or being regularly involved in a liturgical ministry).
Regular receipt of a contribution envelope or online donation (at least once per month) in the Sunday collection provides an objective measure of regularity of attendance at St. Michael Parish.
Financial Support
Level of financial support would vary from family to family depending on the family’s ability to do so.
Genuine financial need of a family is always considered when assessing a family’s level of financial support. If annual support is less than the reasonable minimum, a letter of explanation could be addressed to the Pastor for his consideration. Frequency of Mass attendance, as demonstrated by the regular use of the parish contribution envelope system (see above) as well as a copy of the school’s Financial Aid application would be required and taken into consideration in such cases.
Involvement of Parent or Child in a Parish Ministry
Verified, regular participation of the student or a parent in the ministries of St. Michael Parish (excluding any school specific volunteer opportunities) will also be considered as a criterion to establish verification as an “active, registered and participating” parishioner of St. Michael.
Whether you're serving at the altar or volunteering during the festival, your time spent in the parish has a huge impact on the culture and vitality of our Family of Parishes.
Complete the agreement below to be considered for an Archangel Grant, which will be applied to your student(s) St. Michael School Tuition.