We are discerning about the messages we need to communicate and what media is best suited for sharing that message. Not all media channels are appropriate for every type of message. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the following tools. After all, good communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship!
Website The school website is the front door of our online presence. It's the place where we welcome all virtual visitors. Full of useful links and resources, you can visit us at: www.stmichaelsharonville.org.
Social Media For the buzz about St. Michael School, be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Social media provides a visual medium for helping current and prospective families see what is happening at the school. There are individual class Facebook pages that are not moderated or managed by the school.
Mustang Messenger/Memo The Mustang Messenger is a weekly email intended to give legal guardians a need-to-know look at the school community and its happenings. Mustang Memos may follow to include additional details about school-wide events and activities. Bookmark this page to view archives of the Mustang Messenger.
Google Calendar Sharing Google Calendar with you is a great way we help you stay on track. You can import this calendar into your Google account, using the provided link. This calendar will be the most up-to-date schoolwide calendar available to you. Many classroom specific events will not appear on this calendar.
Classroom & Faculty Communications Each staff member has their own schedule and processes for classroom-specific communications, date sharing, and/or academic and behavioral progress. Please discuss these processes with faculty and staff on curriculum night.
Pen Alert Brief and powerful, Pen Alerts are the how we reach you in a moments notice on your mobile devices. These alerts are used in the event of inclement weather and emergency.
Tri-County Catholics Stay connected with your faith through the Tri-County Catholics' media platforms. Much like the school, Tri-County Catholics utilizes a website, Facebook, Instagram, and a weekly bulletin to communicate with the community.
Public URL to this calendar https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=47n323ppfie15jmklshrii8k2o%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York
Public address in iCal format https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/47n323ppfie15jmklshrii8k2o%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics
Use a link to add a public calendar Important: You can only add a calendar with a link if the other person's calendar is public. Learn more about public calendars.
Click Add calendar. The calendar appears on the left, under "Other calendars."
Tip:It might take up to 12 hours for changes to show in your Google Calendar.
Public calendar doesn't show on my calendar If a public calendar doesn't show on your main calendar, the file size may be too large. Google Calendar only works with files that are 1 megabyte (1MB) or smaller. To check if this is the issue:
If the error message "Could not fetch URL" appears, the public calendar may be too large. For a solution to import existing events only, go to the "Fix problems importing" article. Under the "Formatting errors" section, go to "ICAL file (file ends with 'ics')" "Check your file size."
On the left, under “Other calendars,” uncheck the calendar you want to hide.
Tip: If you don't want to permanently remove a calendar from your list, you can also unsubscribe from it. To restore access to the calendar, subscribe to the calendar again.